Thursday, January 10, 2008
U.S. Energy Consumption by Source - compiled by BP
Petroleum 38.3%
Transportation, manufacturing
Natural Gas 23.0%
Heating, manufacturing, electricity
Coal 22.5%
Electricity, manufacturing
Uranium 8.2%
Propane 1.9%
Manufacturing, heating
BioMass 2.9%
Heating, electricity, transportation
Hydropower 2.7%
Geothermal 0.3%
Heating, electricity
Wind 0.1%
Solar & other 0.1%
Light, heating, electricity
Retrofit Proposal
As fuel costs increase, enormous pressure is placed on consumers across the board. Individual home owners make adjustments with their expendable income but, it is institutions like yours whose future is put into jeopardy due to out-dated structures becoming unmanageable in today's energy market. Heating and cooling a structure whose design was not based on efficiency becomes a crippling financial situation. ICE, in conjunction with associates, provide an incredible opportunity to you.
We are seeking out an institution that can be a model in retrofitting an existing energy inefficient building - into an efficient one. This will be accomplished by adding Aerated concrete block ( to your structure, insulating the roof and changing doors and windows into ones that meet today's energy codes. We will demonstrate a zero net cost to you because the energy savings will far exceed the cost of remodel.
The best part of this package is that there is no up front cost to you for the block material or for it's shipping. Your costs would solely be for windows, doors and labor. The savings to you are compounded if you agree to be the First model. The German company (providing this material) understands full well that many buildings in the United States are facing abandonment if their energy costs are not reduced, therefore sees an enormous market if their product finds its niche. In addition to the product being sent to you free of charge, they will provide a technician to make sure the product is handled and applied correctly.
Here at ICE, we also see this fantastic opportunity as an energy solution. We will monitor the building for one year, so to quantify the energy savings. In addition, we will create a DVD showing the process of the retrofit and advertise for all involved with it's brilliant creation. ICE requires that the institution partner get on board now as to begin the work Spring of 2008. We ask for a deposit of $5,000 to begin the process. Any questions or inquires, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to your response on this offer and, with helping your institution meet it's financial needs for the future.
ICE 505.992.8423
We are seeking out an institution that can be a model in retrofitting an existing energy inefficient building - into an efficient one. This will be accomplished by adding Aerated concrete block ( to your structure, insulating the roof and changing doors and windows into ones that meet today's energy codes. We will demonstrate a zero net cost to you because the energy savings will far exceed the cost of remodel.
The best part of this package is that there is no up front cost to you for the block material or for it's shipping. Your costs would solely be for windows, doors and labor. The savings to you are compounded if you agree to be the First model. The German company (providing this material) understands full well that many buildings in the United States are facing abandonment if their energy costs are not reduced, therefore sees an enormous market if their product finds its niche. In addition to the product being sent to you free of charge, they will provide a technician to make sure the product is handled and applied correctly.
Here at ICE, we also see this fantastic opportunity as an energy solution. We will monitor the building for one year, so to quantify the energy savings. In addition, we will create a DVD showing the process of the retrofit and advertise for all involved with it's brilliant creation. ICE requires that the institution partner get on board now as to begin the work Spring of 2008. We ask for a deposit of $5,000 to begin the process. Any questions or inquires, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to your response on this offer and, with helping your institution meet it's financial needs for the future.
ICE 505.992.8423
Whole Foods talk
Last evening, Constantine Alatzas of ICE presented to the public what being self powered in the 21st century looks like. There was a small but very educated audience present. Lively interactions and many ideas discussed. Future talks will be posted, in advance, here on our blog.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Educating the public is the key to success for ICE. For the past six months we have been developing a course in "sustainable sciences" as a way to share our knowledge and understandings. In March of 2008 we will begin teaching Junior high and high school students at the McCurdy School in Espanola, New Mexico. Also from this course we will be starting workshops for the public at large. We believe if the Earth's people understood the true abudance of this planet, that is available to us all, a more peaceful world would emerge. Below is the outline of the eight week course.
Week One: What is sustainability?
Sustainability begins on a personal level. In order to live happy, healthy & productive lives, sustainability aids in the creation of a lifestyle that provides support within our microcosm - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This search for personal sustainability and balance has a ripple effect on our surroundings, both locally and globally.
Human beings are connected to each other and their environment, and the more energy they spend acquiring harmony within themselves, the more harmony manifests within their community. Local, or community, sustainability investigates how humans can reduce their negative impact upon their environment through more efficient uses of renewable energy and natural resources. It also investigates how humans can create a more reciprocal relationship among themselves and the land, especially on a social and economic level. Community sustainability can reach a global audience, with proper education and experience, and encourage the broad development of global sustainability.
Week Two: Start with a seed.
A seed contains all of the knowledge it needs to grow into a plant, and with enough nurturing and devotion, the seeds unfolds into something greater than itself. Our human and planetary consciousness grow much like a plant, starting from a small bundle of knowledge, and with enough education and care, become more expansive and intelligent.
The class will plant a seed of their choice, and observe its life cycle, drawing parallels between its stage of development to our own levels of personal and planetary consciousness.
Week Three: NASA as a model of sustainability.
When NASA created the space program, they had to research all the different ways a human could survive in a foreign atmosphere. How will a human breathe? How will he stay at a balanced body temperature? What food and drink does he need to function? NASA also had to research beyond basic survival. Astronauts are scientists, and need to be able to function within higher levels of thought and consciousness in order to collect and process data. What sort of environment does that entail? Life on a space station, in a spaceship, or possibly on another planet requires a sustainable environment, and NASA provides us with information and living examples of how they can be created.
Week Four: Energy sources.
There are several different natural energy sources that we can harness in order to create renewable energy for our homes, schools and workplaces. These sources include: solar power, wind power, electromagnetic power, thermal power and hydroelectric power.
Week Five: Absorbing and storing energy.
Natural power needs to be stored, so it can be used at any time. There are several different types of storage mechanisms used to absorb the natural energy and transport it to different destinations. We will study about: batteries, photovoltaic panels, turbines, heat pumps, etc. We would also use a plant as a model for how to absorb, store and use our natural energy.
Week Six: Energy efficiency.
Saving energy by using more efficient household products is essential in a sustainable world. LED lights, energy-efficient appliances, passive solar heating and cooling---all these products help to preserve energy and ultimately reduce our cost-of-living. These products can also be used in businesses and schools.
Week Seven: Transportation.
Saving energy, the environment and money through more efficient transportation is critical at this time of global warming and high gas prices. There are several alternative options including the electric car and hybrid vehicles. More advances are made every day with hydrogen fuel cells, solar car ports, and other alternative energy possibilities.
Week Eight: Visit a sustainable home site.
The class will take a field trip to a sustainable home site, which will provide examples of everything discussed in class, and show that sustainability is a viable lifestyle option.
Note: All classes will incorporate text/articles that mirror it's topic. Also this coarse can and will be tailored to suite the needs of elementary, high school and college level students. Elementary students will reap the benefits of a 'show and tell' day format rather that a weekly schedule that is offered to high school and college.
Week One: What is sustainability?
Sustainability begins on a personal level. In order to live happy, healthy & productive lives, sustainability aids in the creation of a lifestyle that provides support within our microcosm - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This search for personal sustainability and balance has a ripple effect on our surroundings, both locally and globally.
Human beings are connected to each other and their environment, and the more energy they spend acquiring harmony within themselves, the more harmony manifests within their community. Local, or community, sustainability investigates how humans can reduce their negative impact upon their environment through more efficient uses of renewable energy and natural resources. It also investigates how humans can create a more reciprocal relationship among themselves and the land, especially on a social and economic level. Community sustainability can reach a global audience, with proper education and experience, and encourage the broad development of global sustainability.
Week Two: Start with a seed.
A seed contains all of the knowledge it needs to grow into a plant, and with enough nurturing and devotion, the seeds unfolds into something greater than itself. Our human and planetary consciousness grow much like a plant, starting from a small bundle of knowledge, and with enough education and care, become more expansive and intelligent.
The class will plant a seed of their choice, and observe its life cycle, drawing parallels between its stage of development to our own levels of personal and planetary consciousness.
Week Three: NASA as a model of sustainability.
When NASA created the space program, they had to research all the different ways a human could survive in a foreign atmosphere. How will a human breathe? How will he stay at a balanced body temperature? What food and drink does he need to function? NASA also had to research beyond basic survival. Astronauts are scientists, and need to be able to function within higher levels of thought and consciousness in order to collect and process data. What sort of environment does that entail? Life on a space station, in a spaceship, or possibly on another planet requires a sustainable environment, and NASA provides us with information and living examples of how they can be created.
Week Four: Energy sources.
There are several different natural energy sources that we can harness in order to create renewable energy for our homes, schools and workplaces. These sources include: solar power, wind power, electromagnetic power, thermal power and hydroelectric power.
Week Five: Absorbing and storing energy.
Natural power needs to be stored, so it can be used at any time. There are several different types of storage mechanisms used to absorb the natural energy and transport it to different destinations. We will study about: batteries, photovoltaic panels, turbines, heat pumps, etc. We would also use a plant as a model for how to absorb, store and use our natural energy.
Week Six: Energy efficiency.
Saving energy by using more efficient household products is essential in a sustainable world. LED lights, energy-efficient appliances, passive solar heating and cooling---all these products help to preserve energy and ultimately reduce our cost-of-living. These products can also be used in businesses and schools.
Week Seven: Transportation.
Saving energy, the environment and money through more efficient transportation is critical at this time of global warming and high gas prices. There are several alternative options including the electric car and hybrid vehicles. More advances are made every day with hydrogen fuel cells, solar car ports, and other alternative energy possibilities.
Week Eight: Visit a sustainable home site.
The class will take a field trip to a sustainable home site, which will provide examples of everything discussed in class, and show that sustainability is a viable lifestyle option.
Note: All classes will incorporate text/articles that mirror it's topic. Also this coarse can and will be tailored to suite the needs of elementary, high school and college level students. Elementary students will reap the benefits of a 'show and tell' day format rather that a weekly schedule that is offered to high school and college.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The Team.Mate

Concept Manager: L'aura Marie Campisi
As a Structural Integration Practitioner, Yoga therapist and Nutritional Consultant, L'aura brings her extensive knowledge of healing to ICE. Being a member of ICE allows L'aura to nurture her growing passion for sustainable living and offers a way for her healing work to reach the community. Her experience with internet customer sales and service paired with restaurant management, brings ease to practical interaction for customers. L'aura is also a volunteer for IASI (International Assoc. of Structural Integration), in which she collaborated with others in successfully achieving private licenser for Rolfers within the state of New Mexico. L'aura researches product, updates services, organizes events & workshops, designs marketing layout while keeping the holistic picture in mind while managing the ICE team. Her current personal work is the educational foundation in the recent issues women face with irregularity and dis-ease of menstrual cycles. L'aura's mission is to bring an educational platform of health and wellness to ICE via her own company Wise Health Council, LLC.
The Team.
Owner Founder, Director of ICE: Constantine Alatzas
'Understanding the connection between all things'', as written by his 2nd grade teacher, became the basis for Constantine dreaming the early stages of ICE in the spring of 2006. Constantine has maintained a successful sustainable construction business for 15 years while living self-powered himself. He majored in engineering during high school and biology in college in New York City. After the design and construction of the space for the Theater Resource Center in Canada, Constantine's path lead him towards theater work including technical director, stage management, set design, lighting and finally to his own theater in Santa Fe, NM - The Performance Space. His video credits include work with political leaders, The Sierra Club for the Bisti Badland commercials narrated by Robert Redford, The Mac Neil Lehrer News hour and as director/co-producer for the Dali Lama’s North American broadcast. Constantine brings an array of vision, depth and possibility to ICE - stimulating all that encounter this movement towards 'Tools for Peace'.
'Understanding the connection between all things'', as written by his 2nd grade teacher, became the basis for Constantine dreaming the early stages of ICE in the spring of 2006. Constantine has maintained a successful sustainable construction business for 15 years while living self-powered himself. He majored in engineering during high school and biology in college in New York City. After the design and construction of the space for the Theater Resource Center in Canada, Constantine's path lead him towards theater work including technical director, stage management, set design, lighting and finally to his own theater in Santa Fe, NM - The Performance Space. His video credits include work with political leaders, The Sierra Club for the Bisti Badland commercials narrated by Robert Redford, The Mac Neil Lehrer News hour and as director/co-producer for the Dali Lama’s North American broadcast. Constantine brings an array of vision, depth and possibility to ICE - stimulating all that encounter this movement towards 'Tools for Peace'.
The Institute for Creative Evolution, ICE, provides architectural design, energy solutions and education for new and existing home owners and businesses. ICE houses all that is required to absorb energy from the environment, coupled with a line of energy efficient products. Customers can view Solar Panels, WInd Turbines and energy efficient lighting options that support living self-powered. ICE demonstrates product to clients as to make proper choices for their particular needs. Whether the consumer is self-powered or buying power from the grid, they will save enormously from purchasing our products. Education is the key to the success of ICE.
As a part of who we are, ICE also offers a sustainable sciences curriculum to middle school, high school students and adults. Please contact us personally for more information or, if you are an educator interested learning about adopting our program.
As a part of who we are, ICE also offers a sustainable sciences curriculum to middle school, high school students and adults. Please contact us personally for more information or, if you are an educator interested learning about adopting our program.
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