As fuel costs increase, enormous pressure is placed on consumers across the board. Individual home owners make adjustments with their expendable income but, it is institutions like yours whose future is put into jeopardy due to out-dated structures becoming unmanageable in today's energy market. Heating and cooling a structure whose design was not based on efficiency becomes a crippling financial situation. ICE, in conjunction with associates, provide an incredible opportunity to you.
We are seeking out an institution that can be a model in retrofitting an existing energy inefficient building - into an efficient one. This will be accomplished by adding Aerated concrete block ( to your structure, insulating the roof and changing doors and windows into ones that meet today's energy codes. We will demonstrate a zero net cost to you because the energy savings will far exceed the cost of remodel.
The best part of this package is that there is no up front cost to you for the block material or for it's shipping. Your costs would solely be for windows, doors and labor. The savings to you are compounded if you agree to be the First model. The German company (providing this material) understands full well that many buildings in the United States are facing abandonment if their energy costs are not reduced, therefore sees an enormous market if their product finds its niche. In addition to the product being sent to you free of charge, they will provide a technician to make sure the product is handled and applied correctly.
Here at ICE, we also see this fantastic opportunity as an energy solution. We will monitor the building for one year, so to quantify the energy savings. In addition, we will create a DVD showing the process of the retrofit and advertise for all involved with it's brilliant creation. ICE requires that the institution partner get on board now as to begin the work Spring of 2008. We ask for a deposit of $5,000 to begin the process. Any questions or inquires, please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to your response on this offer and, with helping your institution meet it's financial needs for the future.
ICE 505.992.8423